I am missing a pic of my snack(s) this afternoon. Obviously there was more than one because of my pitiful "lunch." When I got home I had a bag of the popcorn and a string cheese, same as yesterday, but then out of stress and anxiety finished the rest of Katie's Spongebob Cheez-Its! It was just a serving or so, but I wasn't hungry, just stressed. My dr. called this afternoon and they want to me go in for a biopsy in 2 weeks on the lump that they "think is nothing." So they reinterated "nothing" again and said it was just for precautionary measures...still stressful. This is one problem I cannot deal with; I have given it to God. He can and will take care of me and I am going to trust Him! But in the meantime, I may need a nerve pill!! lol
Dinner was a very simple (thank goodness!) chicken stir-fry and whole-wheat rolls. I also got fortune cookies because the kids like them. Not the cookies so much, just the breaking and fortune part! It was very good. We haven't had stir-fry in a while and we serve it over brown rice, it is very filling...and healthy! Yay! Now on to a "quiet" evening of tv surfing, waiting until the Republican National Convention comes on at 9pm. I'm very interested to hear what Sarah Palin has to say. Hope you all have a good evening!
I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers - I hope that it's nothing serious!! Hang in there!!
We all have days like this, don't fret. I will pray for you as well, hope you get a good report from the doctor! :)
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