Hello friends :-)
Doesn't she look amazing?! This was just after she was admitted yesterday morning. Makeup and hair perfect, she still even has her sunglasses on her head. Stylin' Mama! But I did tell her that I may make fun of her if she left her sunglasses on through the delivery! Hehe;-)
I am writing to you this morning through the little slits in my eyes! I have had about 4 hours of sleep and am going right now on my iv coffee drip and pure adrenaline and bliss ;-)
I cannot even tell you what an amazing experience I had last night with my sister Jessica and her husband Jason as they welcomed their first child, little Brayden, into the world.

Mama and Daddy both did great. It was a little rough at first, but after her epidural, Jess just sailed right on through. Her epidural lost some staying power just about the time she had to push (I KNOW, what timing, right?!) but I think this was a mixed blessing because she could actually feel the contractions and know exactly when to push...those of you who have had children know how important this is! Just 4 or 5 pushes and Brayden was here, exercising his lungs and already lighting up our lives at 1149pm. It's amazing how something that weighs only 7 lbs 9 oz can have such a HUGE effect on our lives. He's absolutely perfect.
Mama and Daddy both did great. It was a little rough at first, but after her epidural, Jess just sailed right on through. Her epidural lost some staying power just about the time she had to push (I KNOW, what timing, right?!) but I think this was a mixed blessing because she could actually feel the contractions and know exactly when to push...those of you who have had children know how important this is! Just 4 or 5 pushes and Brayden was here, exercising his lungs and already lighting up our lives at 1149pm. It's amazing how something that weighs only 7 lbs 9 oz can have such a HUGE effect on our lives. He's absolutely perfect.
His first act as prince of the household was to pee all over his Mama, promptly within about 30 seconds of being born. It was obviously the first time, but for sure not the last!
I was so honored to get to be in the room when Brayden was delivered. I worked my roles as big sister, aunt, and photographer as best I knew how. I told Jess that it was such an amazing day, also, because it was the first time in a long time that the "c" word never even crossed my mind. How refreshing. Thank you, Jesus. I am constantly in awe how He can refresh and renew our minds and our bodies...I feel like I've just gotten my second wind.
I got home around 130 this morning, got to sleep around 2 and the alarm was blaring at 6. So after some quiet prayer time, the usual morning routine began. After getting the kids up and off to school this is how the rest of my day looks:
- Dishes, laundry, and the usual housework
- Go see Layne, Brett, and the boys who are here to meet Brayden
- Run (I know, I'm nuts, but it refreshes me)
- Get kids from school
- Take kids to meet their new cousin because they didn't get to stay long at the hospital long enough last night...they are beyond excited, especially one certain little princess ;-)
- Dinner out with the family (at least I don't have to cook!)
So I will leave you with one last shot of our little Brayden, our little gift from God. He was so alert and looking around...and hungry! I absolutely cannot WAIT to see him again this afternoon! Have a great Wednesday. Love y'all <3>
"Every good and perfect gift is from above..." James 1:17
He is beautiful! Birth really is a miracle :)
Wow, I'm so excited for them! Marilyn graciously shared your blog with me and I'm so excited for the chance to keep up with you all through it! Please send my sincere congrats to Jess and Jason.
And I'd just like to share with you what an encouragement just reading your last few posts has been to me. The Pray 7x7 is very cool and I'm sure the kiddos are blessed by it. Love ya!
~ Denise Alvarez (Pierce)
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