Jack was here at home on a Friday afternoon when Curtis and Angie stopped by on their way home from PB. They had just recently sold their home and were looking at property to build again. He asked Jack if he wanted to go look at it with him and Angie went on home, and off the guys went. Typical;-) They were just big BOYS, off to play. They went and checked out the property and talked and whatever else they did when they were together. After about 3 hours or so, Jack took Curtis home. Not long after that, Curtis kissed Angie and Hoyce goodbye and headed to PB to play music. Music was Curtis' passion. He was a gifted musician, playing the mandolin and truly making it sing. On his way to PB, not 5 miles outside of town, Curtis was involved in a car accident that instantly took his life.
I will remember the phone calls that started flooding in. People telling what they had heard, and was it true? We had yet to hear anything official, so we had no idea what to think, but panic was starting to set in. After a few minutes, a phone call came from Curtis' step-dad to confirm our very worst fears. Curtis was gone. The husband, father, son, brother, and best friend that we had all known and loved was gone.
I know this story is sad to read, but it ends with a happy note. Because Curtis was a Christian and had given his life to Christ, we will see him again someday in Heaven. We hold on to this promise on days like today, because it's all we have.
"You may think that since tragedy has entered your life, God must have
turned His back on you. Or if He really loved you, He wouldn't let this
happen to you. But this line of thinking is flawed. FIRST, God
never promises anyone a life free from pain. So don't make the mistake
of thinking that God has abandoned you when hardship enters your life.
SECONDLY, the presence of hardship in your life does not imply the absence of God in your life. To the contrary, you can be sure
that God is there and wants to reveal himself to you when you are experiencing difficulties.
Rather than approaching your tough times with the
attitude that God has vanished, use these circumstances to find God. HE IS THERE. And He isn't hiding. He wants you to feel His
presence. He wants you to sense His love for you. He desires for you
to understand His purposes for allowing these difficulties in your life.
God doesn't remove the difficulty and pain. But He will be there with
you through it all. He is with you when the going gets tough, but He's a
perfect gentleman. He won't carry your load unless you ask Him to."

I am so thankful that I can rejoice in the fact that we serve a God who CARES. Who cares when we hurt, and when we are sad. Because on days like today when our hearts are so sad, we can look up and Him and, with tears in our eyes, give Him our burdens.
"Thank you, Jesus for carrying our burdens when our load gets too heavy. And thank you for living in Curtis' heart so that we know we will see him again someday. I pray that You, O Lord, are joining in His Heavenly band today and playing at the most amazing party we could ever imagine. Thank you for easing our hurt and allowing us to smile with hope today. In Jesus' Precious Name, Amen."
In memory of Curtis, please treat today as a gift.
Love y'all :-)
Thanks for this post...I've been thinking about Curtis too and wondering how Angela and Hoyce are doing. You are absolutely right that each day is a gift and we need to live like it! Love you, D
Can I just say I adore you. I looked for you through the crowd hoping I would see this beautiful tall woman come walzing through the door, but then I realized that you probably weren't able to travel yet...that was at least what I decided to believe. On a happy note...I'm so glad you CAN travel and feel silly for thinking you couldn't.
We haven't always been in this place. We have been to horribly hard places and more recent than I'd care to admit...and the enemy keeps knocking us back. We are (though) so aware of the wedge that can come between us and are committed to doing the thing at all cost. I'm not sure how much I can write here, so just know that I'm praying for a revealing spirit to show up where you need it to be. I really did miss you! So wish you could have come. And I get the jealousy thing...so don't apologize for it. My BFF was going to go before I knew I was going to be able to go and I was wasted with jealousy...I just had to lay it at the Fathers feet and I believe it is beautiful to be jeoulous of wanting to be with our sisters in Christ to worship Him. It's not like I went on a shopping spree or won the lottery :) lol
Love ya sweets! Off to make dinner.
What an amazing story, thank you for sharing that. I must get that book, lots of people I know who need to read it, including me :)
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