Wednesday, June 6, 2012

National Running Day

Hello beautiful day!


First off, I want to wish you a Happy Running Day!


When I logged into to Facebook this morning, there was a link on Competitor to log your miles for National Running Day.  After I logged my 5 miles at 9:43 this morning, over 4,000 miles had already been logged!  Wow!!  And with many, many more sure to be counted before the day is over!

At you can create your own running badge!  Pretty cool right?!  (Edited to add: it seems like their page has crashed, but you can still look around on their Facebook page…) 


I made mine that says, I RUN… because my life depends on it.

Because it does.  You may have seen the many studies that show the link between breast cancer survivors and exercise…but they ALL state that exercise can increase your likelihood of staying in remission by, like, 30%!  That’s huge.

2012-06-06 001

So yes, I did 5 miles (Run-Streakers unite!) while I watched last night’s episode of Giuliana & Bill on the Style Network.  Oh my word.  I have been getting into this show over the past several months, probably since G’s breast cancer diagnosis brought them to the forefront, but their story just touches me.  How they have struggled with infertility to her breast cancer diagnosis…and well, the pop culture aspect of it of course. Winking smile  But while I was watching this morning as she spoke to other breast cancer survivors and began to share her story, she broke down and I found myself with big ol’ tears too (all while running mind you!), because I remember my first time speaking to a group about my diagnosis and how it hits your heart so hard when you begin to speak the words.  Been there, and my heart went out to her.  It was like suddenly, a woman who I’ve just seen occasionally on TV, is now my survivor sister.  It’s a connection I can’t explain…and I treasure.

Of course, my #SheReadsTruth devotion this morning was on what…?? 


How beautiful, and perfectly timed.  Of course. 

“Have faith in God,” Jesus answered. Mark 11:22

“Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.”  Mark 11:24

Like I said yesterday, I stand in complete awe.

Post workout, I was stretching I happened to glance out the window and see this little guy getting a drink from the pool, IMG_2806

Heehee, cute huh? 


Have an amazing Wednesday, friends.

More baseball tonight.  Should be a beautiful evening for it!

Remember to do your self-breast exams, ladies.  No one know your breasts like you do, so check ‘em!


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