Saturday, February 28, 2009
Updated Version
Say It's Not So!
- Baseball practice
- Orthodontist appt (almost done, yippee!)
- Quiz Bowl practice
- Jr. Beta Red Cross Blood Drive volunteer
- Basketball practice on Saturday morning
- Basketball practice every day except Wednesday
- She's a 5-year old princess with a love for pink, dress-up, and everything fancy. AND she stays home with me :-D 'Nuff said.
- 2 Different homes being built right now, so 2 crews working in different towns
- Seems like every piece of equipment we had needed some sort of repair this week, so that meant a lot of fixing.
- Went to TX for 2 days to look at/purchase a new dozer because of the previous bullet point...
- Put up with me and my menopause-drive hormones, my coming off steroids emotions, and just general "freak-out" moments of insecurity and anxiety.
- Daily quiet time/Bible Study
- Ran 43 miles!!
- The driver and scheduler of events listed under the children.
- Delivered broken parts to be repaired.
- General office/bookkeeping work
- Keeping our home looking halfway put together so it doesn't look like a family of pigs live here!
Whew! No wonder I'm tired! So maybe I will just try to relax, watch it snow, and enjoy the day. Because next week it all starts back up again plus add in 2 trips to STL for dr appts. Tuesday we go to the Radiation Oncologist, where we will do the complete set up for radiation which will begin approx 10 days after Tuesday. They are doing everything it takes to be completely set up since we have to drive so far, but that means we will be there from 930am - 330 pm. Loooong day! Then on Friday I go for the heart echo, labs, see my dr, and have the Herceptin infusion, prayerfully. Yeah, I'd better rest up!! Have a fantastic weekend everybody!
Monday, February 23, 2009
Runner's Prayer
How beautiful is this prayer? I found it this morning while looking around online. I try and remember every morning when I am running to "thank God for this run." For the desire, the ability, and the strength to run, and to never take it for granted. Of course, since I am a treadmill runner for the most part, for me I would probably change a few lines of the prayer to say:
"As the walls surround,
As the music pushes me,
I know You surround me.
As the fan cools me,
As the sweat cleanses me,
I know You are touching me."
Maybe cute, but I would love be able to run outside more often. Reasons include, but are not limited to, 1) scheduling, 2) children, 3) temperature, and 4) chicken-ness of running by myself. And I hate it, too, because we live in "God's Country" where we have woods, trees, rivers, springs, state parks - all perfect for the most beautiful, awe-inspiring runs. But instead of lamenting on my daily missed opportunity when I am in my basement office pounding out the miles, maybe I should focus on those rare and marvelous opportunities when I DO get to go for a run outside. Because I truly savor every moment when I do...thanking God the whole time.
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Which Is Your Fave?

VERY cute!
All jazzed up!
Cute, with an important reminder! No mincing words here!
Cute and sporty kinda.
Sparkly and feisty!
My hubby's favorite...I wonder why?! Oh yeah, I forgot, it's the hot wings!
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
I got up this morning and had a wonderful bowl of oat bran, have I mentioned how much I LOVE this stuff? I smash up a banana and put in it and sprinkle the top with some cinnamon...mmmmm, delish. Then I put in a 6 mile run, half while listening to some new tunes I downloaded and half while watching my DH dvds. After I got cleaned up, I had a second breakfast and did a load of laundry. I know, exciting, right? But the highlight of my day is easily hands-down my Bible study. I have started a new one online with Beth Moore...LOVE LOVE her! It's called Living Beyond Yourself and it's amazing. She stated last week in her opening video that this series was specifically made for each of us to view at a specific time, whether it is with the audience she did the study with back in 2003 (when it was taped) or me, for example, viewing it some 6 years later. And boy do I believe it! She said something yesterday that I have already recited to several people because it holds so much hope and promise:
God's specialty is making impossibilities possible.
Ah, Sovereign Lord, of course it is! But I had to write that one down because no matter how dire or horrible a situation may seem, God is bigger than ALL OF IT! How comforting and marvelous that we serve a living God that can handle ANYTHING?! I don't know about you, but that makes me feel so.much.better. Instantly. Talk about taking a load off! And that's what He does perfectly: He takes our burdens and bears them Himself. We waste so much time and energy working, worrying, stressing, and such when all we have to do is simply BELIEVE HIM that He can handle it.
"Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you." 1 Peter 5:7
Seriously, this verse, and many others, has sustained me for the last 5 months. I have just been like a sponge, soaking it all up and rejoicing in the fact that I am His Child.
Monday, February 16, 2009
My Last Day 4
A Beef Bologna Sandwich and Lay's Sour Cream & Onion Chips!
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Scripture Memory Team - Verse #4

Today is the 15th of the month, so that means it's time to choose a new Bible verse for Beth Moore's Scripture Memory Team 2009. The verse I chose this time is from the Book of Galatians:
"But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. Against such things there is no law." Galatians 5:22-23
I decided upon this verse because this past week I started a new Bible study with Beth called "Living Beyond Yourself," and this is the key verse and basis for the study. BTW, if anyone is interested, the study is online through will not be disappointed, I promise!
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Sing Praise!
I just love this song! It came to mind instantly this morning when I was getting ready to type this post. Sing Praise! High Praise for our God who "never leaves us or forsakes us!" This upbeat song matches my mood today! Hallelujah, LORD!
As laid out by God's perfect timeline and His perfect will, I received my VERY LAST chemo treatment yesterday in STL!!! I am so totally excited to cross this part of my protocol off my list! I go back in 3 weeks to have another echo of my heart to make sure it is still not showing any side effects of the Herceptin, I am BELIEVING GOD that it will either show an improvement or the same. Also on that day we will set up my radiation. God is working and things are moving right along!

Treatment went well yesterday. We had labs, saw the doctor (and had many questions and things to talk about, so this took awhile!), and then went across the lobby for treatment. I was so excited to have Tiffany and her hubby come and sit with us for awhile because she was there getting all geared up for her stem cell transplant. Not excited that she's there, but excited that they came to visit for awhile. My nurse was so sweet when she was running in all my pre-meds to run the Benadryl in last so I wasn't conked out while they were there. They ended up leaving after awhile to go shopping (not fair!! haha!) while I got my Benadryl. And boy, did I get it! I was absolutely knocked out yesterday! I woke up like 2 1/2 hrs later and was still groggy! My hubby told me that they were starting the chemo drugs and asking him my name and birthdate (something they have to do) and I never even stirred. Cool! I slept over half the time. I'm not the time I woke up I only had about an hour and a half left!
After we were finished, we headed home, but not before stopping at a BIG Dierberg's grocery store right outside of the city to see if they carried Chobani yogurt...SCORE!!! I piled a ton of them in the cart. I was totally impressed with the store, we will definitely be stopping here each time we head home. When we got to my mom and dad's to pick up the kids, the kids mobbed us! They were so excited to congratulate me on my last chemo! It was so sweet! Even Katie seemed to understand what a BIG day it was.
So today, I got up and made my family heart shaped chocolate chip pancakes, a Valentine's Day tradition at our house. Now I am just going to do a few things around the house and see how I feel. Nothing really sounds good to eat at the moment, so I'm going to go pantry and refrigerator searching and see what I can find! I appreciate all your prayers and encouragement more than you know...this blog has become such a blessing to me. So thank you from the bottom of my heart. I hope ya'll have a wonderful Valentine's Day!!
Thursday, February 12, 2009
102 Miles
Yesterday after we picked up the boys from school, Katie and I continued on our Valentine treat making adventure. We melted white chocolate and milk chocolate (I really wanted dark but couldn't find it!) and half-dipped pretzel rods in it, laid them on wax paper, and sprinkled them with our leftover Valentine sprinkles. Kind of looks like a delicious chocolate bouquet!
We will be heading to STL at 5am tomorrow for (prayerfully) my last chemo treatment! I know I've said this before, but if ya'll could keep me in your prayers for good blood counts and a smooth and easy trip that would be awesome! I am BELIEVING GOD that will we have a great chemo treatment tomorrow! Thank you all so much for your continued prayers and encouragement. See you tomorrow!
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Busy & Prayers
Monday, February 9, 2009
Weekend Wrap-Up
Saturday: I got up early and did a quick 3 miles on the 'mill before getting cleaned up and heading for a marvelous day out! (BTW: It was my first 40 mile week in months! Yay!!) We all went to Springfield (2 1/2 hrs. from here) and had a great gift card day! I went to the Lifeway store and finally got to pick out a new Bible; I have been using another one that I had a long time ago so I was excited to pick and choose. Unfortunately it is missing all my notes and pictures and little mementos that I had stored in the pages of my other one. :-( We continued on to Bed, Bath, & Beyond (LOVE that store!) where I had $50 left on a gift card from last Christmas. We needed a new toaster and a can opener so that's what we got. Nothing fun. But we had a gift card for Olive Garden, which was HEAVEN! I wish we had an OG closer to us!! We ended the day split up as Katie and I got dropped off at the mall while the men-folk headed to Bass Pro. My wonderful in-laws gave me $100 for my birthday to take shopping so Katie and I had fun shopping and picking out a comfy new outfit for my VERY LAST CHEMO TREATMENT, which (prayerfully) is Friday! But I think the best part of the mall was our Starbucks (me) and cookie (her) break. We are fabulous shopping partners, she and I! And it's only going to get better as she gets older...and more expensive, unfortunately! lol
Sunday: I got up and did my weekly long run. I went 10 miles while continuing watching the first season of DH, thank you sis!! It was great! And...that was pretty much the highlight of my day. We did absolutely nothing the rest of the day, well I didn't. My hubby had to work for a couple of hours, and the kids were in and out playing, but I didn't do much of anything. 10 miles wears me out!
Friday, February 6, 2009
Rocky Top!!!
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
No School
This morning I went back to my mom and dad's to use their treadmill; I ran 6 miles before coming home to clean up and get ready to start the day. Today we went to PB and made a quick Walmart run. My fave purchase: Arnold's Sandwich Thins!! I was so excited to see that they had them. I can't wait to try them. However, it prob won't be tonight. We had a late lunch at my fave Maya's and I am still full...and exhausted. Funny how I can run dozens of miles each week but a trip to PB completely wipes me out! Disgusts me. After lunch and Walmart, we went to Hibbett Sports so I could spend a gift card that my hubby got me for my birthday. I did spend it, on new shoes for Katie and Zachary! Hmmm, not quite what I had in mind, but you gotta do what you gotta do and they both needed new shoes. They grow so fast! Dang!
We are home now. I am relaxing in the recliner, watching the news...apparently Barry Bonds did use steroids...hmmmm, who'd have thought??! I got stuff at Walmart for us to make homemade calzones for dinner (thank you bunches for the idea, LC!) but right now I am too tired to move. So I don't know if it will happen tonight or not! If not we can make them tomorrow. Besides that, I am still full from lunch...that always happens when I go to Maya's, I overdo.
I am going to sign off, but continue to sit here and do nothing...except ask my sweet little daughter who's sitting right here playing her DS to go get me one of my other favorite purchases from WM...a Reese's peanut butter cup heart! Mmmmmm........ Have a good evening!
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Let The Melting Begin...
Monday, February 2, 2009
Happy Groundhog Day!
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Thoroughly Into My Thirties
My birthday cake! Decorated with all my favorite teams: Tennessee Lady Vols (women's basketball), St. Louis Cardinals, North Carolina Tar Heels (men's basketball), and Indianapolis Colts! It was very cute...and delicious!
Family portrait time! I seize every opportunity to take a family pic because it's like pulling teeth to get any of them to go to a photographer's studio to have them done! So this will have to do! It turned out good I think!
Survivor Spotlight Saturday
Hello!! Is it absolutely beautiful where you are this morning?! Holy cow, if not you should high-tail it to southeast Missouri, ‘cause it...
I am completely rocked. From my head to my toes I could not be any more stunned. I had a great 8 mile run yesterday morning and was making m...
I’m sitting here looking at the “ Enter a post title ” prompt, and I have absolutely no idea. Ha! If I were to back up and try to recap ...