Monday, November 10, 2008

Passing The Bug

And by bug, I mean virus, illness, sicklies, etc. We are in the process of passing some sort of sinus-cold-cough thing around our household. Tyler started it about a week ago, then the middle of last week I started with the congestion, and lo and behold Katie woke up with croup yesterday morning, and Jack woke up with an incredible sore throat. Huh. Yesterday my throat felt like I was trying to swallow sandpaper, so we met Michelle at her clinic and she called the oncology fellow on call (nothing is easy anymore) and recommended that since I had been sick for 6 days and not getting better, and progessively worse, that antibiotics should be started...Praise God! I was so glad to get some medicine! And I think I am already starting to feel better. Jack, on the other hand, is feeling pretty crappy with his sore throat and Katie was croupy again this morning. Unforunately croup is usually caused by a virus and there's nothing you can do for it, medicine-wise, so it's humidifier-city and steamed up showers around here for the next 2-3 days. Zachary hasn't come down with anything yet...I was passing out vitamin C like candy this morning! I hope it all moves through the household quickly.

So our weekend was extremely low-key! It was spent passing the motrin around and taking temperatures...yeehaw. I hope ya'll had a better weekend than we did! This, too, shall pass.....


LizNoVeggieGirl said...

Ahhh, hope everyone feels better soon!!

Sarah @ See Sarah Eat said...

Hey Erica, I pray you and your family are all feeling better soon!

Anonymous said...

Hope everyone fights the bug quickly!

Survivor Spotlight Saturday

Hello!! Is it absolutely beautiful where you are this morning?!  Holy cow, if not you should high-tail it to southeast Missouri, ‘cause it...