Sunday, April 3, 2011

Childlike Faith

“Jesus answered him, “Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in paradise.” Luke 23:43

Has your Sunday been absolutely ahhhhh-mazing?  I sure hope so.  We have had beautiful weather and a great day; I have gotten SO MUCH accomplished.

First up was a half-marathon.  Heehee, I KNOW, it is not really in a taper-mode plan but it was SO nice outside this morning and I couldn’t resist.  I hadn’t intended on going that long, but I was just enjoying myself too much. 



I was also really enjoying listening to a new audiobook I purchased a few days ago.  It all started with a friend telling me that I should watch this video that she posted on Facebook:

Boy says, “Heaven is real.”


Cool, right?  As soon as I watched this, I got on iTunes and bought the audiobook.  I am LOVING it!  I don’t think there is anything more beautiful than a child’s faith; a simple, truthful, believing in God that we all should be so blessed to have.  Trust me, you would love this book.



My run was followed by a great time of worship at church, and then a great lunch.  And then I continued to fully enjoy this glorious day…by cleaning out my closet. Confused smile  Not exactly what I had hoped to be doing this afternoon, but it needed to be done SO BADLY, and now…it is!  Well, half of it anyway.  The hubby’s side still needs to be done, but I will need his assistance.  Besides, I don’t think I can handle much more of going through old pants and shirts today. 

But I can tell you one thing:  We are going to have having one massive yard sale when everybody’s closets are clean.  Like, whoa. 

Alrighty, then.  I am going to enjoy what is left of the afternoon by watching Toy Story 3 with Katie.  I found it while I was, you guessed it, cleaning out my closet.  I had bought it for her for Christmas and when I was wrapping everything (on Christmas Eve no less), I couldn’t find it!  I searched high and low (I thought) and could NOT find that darn DVD.  Well today the lost was found in a crumpled up Toys R Us bag in the bottom of the closet…along with an iCarly shirt as well.  Oy vey.  Katie was thrilled at the “presents” today!  Even though her Momma is slowly losing her mind. Winking smile

Be blessed!


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