I was talking with the hubby last night about how good it would feel to move, just walk. And he agreed (and remembered) that my dr said that at one-week post op that I could start with walking again. I.was.so.excited! I even toyed around with the idea of going to the park this morning and going for a fabulous walk, but lo and behold it was freeeezzzzziiinngg this morning after I dropped off the kids at school. Even if I had come home and put the UA ColdGear on, it wasn't enough to entice me to walk outside. So me and my friend (the TM) got in an little quality time in the form of a 30 minute, 2 mile walk!

It felt so good. I found myself getting tired towards the end, which made me sad, but I have to keep reminding myself that I am only 1 week post op from major surgery. So I will start small and not push myself. I DO want to heal!
I did quite a bit of office work this morning, cleaning off my desk and going through mucho mail from the past week. I hate it when I let the mail pile up like that...gah. But then I did bookwork, figured Christmas bonuses for our guys and left the office clean for the hubby's meeting this afternoon. Awesome.
Now I am just killing a little bit of time before I head to school for Katie's Christmas Party. The boys have outgrown classroom parties, much to their dismay, but Katie is all about it. Although she was a little weepy this morning when I dropped her off, I had to stay and sit with her for a good 30 minutes before she decided that, yes she would indeed stay for school. ;-) I think she's just wiped out from a busy week at school. They've had their concert and all kinds of special activities going on...bless her heart. She's ready for her 2-week vacation. I don't think I'm going to make the kids go to school tomorrow. It's only a 1/2 day and they will just be putting in their time, and not much work so we may start out Christmas break officially tonight!
We are looking forward to "Survivor" tonight! We LOVE that show, and this season Russell beats all I've ever seen. He absolutely cracks me up! He should SO win!
Have a great rest of your day, friends <3
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