My little man is 14! Wow, how did that happen so quick?!

I have managed to keep my emotions in check pretty well today. I almost had a minor breakdown in the card aisle at Walmart this morning while trying to pick out a birthday card for my boy, but that's about it ;-) I just can't believe he's 14 already. It seems like just yesterday we were saying,
"Hmmm, ok...this will be interesting to tell our parents..." and now we're praising,
"Thank you Lord for giving us this precious child, at ANY point in our lives."
Of course God's timing is infinitely perfect. I was 17 when Tyler was born, Jack was 20...we were obviously still just kids ourselves. I'm sure there were many times when both sets of our parents asked God, "How could you let this happen? What are they going to do?? How are they going to handle THIS?!"
But God, being God, was able to sit back and say "Trust Me. I've got a plan here."

And that's what our parents did. They trusted God. I have no doubt that they all prayed over the marriage of their 17 and 20 year old. I have no doubt that they gave us every ounce of love and support they had. AND I have no doubt that it took great faith in the Lord to stand back and trust Him, and just watch.

And that's what our parents did. They trusted God. I have no doubt that they all prayed over the marriage of their 17 and 20 year old. I have no doubt that they gave us every ounce of love and support they had. AND I have no doubt that it took great faith in the Lord to stand back and trust Him, and just watch.
But God knew what our future was going to hold. HE knew that my Papa wanted to have great-grandchildren and enjoy them before he died; he passed away when Tyler was 1. HE knew that at the age of 30, I would be diagnosed with breast cancer that would make having any future children very difficult, if not impossible; and we wanted a big family. And HE knew what a blessing this precious child was going to be to our families now and in the future.

Tyler has grown to be the most hard-working and responsible kid I have ever known. He is always looking for something to do to help out, and never balks when he is asked to do something. I promise you, he is like an adult in a teenager's body! During basketball season he is outside working on his jump-shot at 6am, during baseball season he is outside pitching before the sun is high in the sky, and during bow-hunting season he is outside shooting at his target until it is p.e.r.f.e.c.t. He works hard at everything he does, and is just a remarkable kid. The only thing that could use some work is his dancing...LOL, bless his heart he has white-boy rhythm! And it's ok, he knows it ;-)

Tyler, every morning when I pray, I ask God to place a hedge of protection around you...to keep you safe and healthy and tightly in His grip. I pray that He will give you the strength to stand strong for Him and that you will continue to be an example of what a Christian should be. I pray that you will make good choices, both when we are around and when we aren't. But I also want you to remember that being a Christian doesn't mean that you're perfect, but that you're forgiven. So lean on God and keep Him in your heart no matter where you go and what you do. I am excited to see what amazing things you are going to do with your life! God has big plans for you! I love you, Ty-Man!
Erica, this post is so beautiful - wonderful words and sentiments.
Happy Birthday to your little man!
What is so funny is that a friend of mine has a son named Tyler too and HIS 14th birthday was also yesterday! :)
Have a great week Erica, you've done a good job these past 14 years!
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