Tuesday, May 19, 2009


Hello, friends ;-)

I really need to work on putting up posts more often now that I am done with radiation and home more often because I have TONS of stuff that has gone on from the past few days!  We spent some time at our cabin on the river, cheered on the STL Cardinals at Breast Cancer Awareness Day at Busch Stadium, and had my first physical therapy session.  And tomorrow is our 14th wedding anniversary, my how time flies! <3  So rather than type for days about all the goings-on, I will just show a few pics and narrate a little!

My first physical therapy session went very well.  I really like Stacy, my certified lymphedema therapist.  She told me that basically I am in a preventive/maintenance phase and that as active as I am, wrapping my arm would be a great way to ensure that the slight puffiness I am having won’t progress into full-on lymphedema.  Good news: I don’t need a compression sleeve, and I only need to wrap my arm either while I run or for a couple hours after I run and at night.  Easy enough.  Totally doable!  The wrapping is going to take some practice…I’ve already learned that when my fingers start turning purple, it’s probably too tight!  Ha!  So after my appointment we headed to eat delicious mexican food for lunch and then headed to Coldstone!  Oh my, was it good or what?!  [See pic below!!]  That place is like ice cream heaven.  Um, yeah, now’s probably not the time to go on a rant about my extra 10 lbs I’m trying to lose…  I’ll save that one for another day!  teehee ;-)  May 09 018


Here is a pic of what my arm looks like all wrapped up like a gordita…got that one from Ricky Bobby!  Sorry, no pic of the face, this was post-run and pre-makeup.  Yeah…you know what I mean.

May 09 020



Ok, post-wrap and with makeup!  Much better!  Katie was fooling around with the camera.  All decked out in my new hot pink UnderArmour cap!  LOVE it!! 

 May 09 021

Have a great day ya’ll!  I’m going to try to post some blast from the past pics tomorrow in celebration of our anniversary.  As long as we don’t end up going somewhere I should have plenty of time!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love the new hat and that we'll be hearing from you more often :) Happy Anniversary!!

Survivor Spotlight Saturday

Hello!! Is it absolutely beautiful where you are this morning?!  Holy cow, if not you should high-tail it to southeast Missouri, ‘cause it...