Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Santa Claus Is Watching You!

Hello everybody! I hope everyone is being good 'cause Santa Claus is watching! Can I just tell ya, I love that man?! He has single-handedly whipped my 5-year-old into behavioral bliss without so much as lifting a finger or raising his voice! This time of year is awesome for parents because the threat of "Santa Claus is watching you..." is like the ultimate bribe! I'm tellin you, it works so well that when I see the jolly ol' man, I'm going to ask him to come once a month! But seriously, Katie can be acting completely rotten, and at the mere mention of Santa, she is a new person! Love it!

We are having yet another spell of bad weather today. It started icing early this morning and now everything is covered in a thin sheet of glaze. It's very slippery out there! My hubby had to call off work for the day and we are all hunkered down here watching movies and waiting for it to warm up, which it's supposed to do this afternoon thank goodness. The weather man said it should melt the ice fairly quickly...I hope so!! We have plans this evening to have a birthday dinner for my little brother, he will be 22 tomorrow. And since his birthday always gets crowded with Christmas, we are celebrating tonight. We usually just give him a card and money, but I'm getting creative (or ornery!) and thinking about giving him a big box of diapers and baby supplies because he and his girlfriend are having a baby in June. Is that a little too rotten of me?! I think it would be funny! My mom may not appreciate it, but...... I don't know, I haven't decided yet what I will do. We'll see!

Have a great day before Christmas Eve ya'll!


LizNoVeggieGirl said...

Hang in there with the weather; and have a VERY Merry Christmas!!!

Unknown said...

HMMM, I will have to try this with Kash, although I think he is still too young and of course he has to "act out" a bit more from bringing the new baby home. I just recieved the Multiple Blessings book form a girlfriend last night too...can't wait to dive in if I can find the time. Merry Christmas! Enjoy the snow, wish we had just a little here.

Amanda (Two Boos Who Eat) said...

That sounds like a good gift to me! Babies can be expensive. The less he has to buy...the better right?

Ha! I love how well-behaved children will be at the mention of good ol' Saint Nick.

Mrs. LC said...

hahaha I can't wait to use the "Santa's watching!!" with my kids one day! I remember my sister and I were absolutely golden leading up to Christmas when we were kids. One year, my parents actually had someone (I think our neighbor) pretend to be Santa and call the house and leave a message while we were out at a mall...little did we know that Santa Claus really was checking in on us! :)

Survivor Spotlight Saturday

Hello!! Is it absolutely beautiful where you are this morning?!  Holy cow, if not you should high-tail it to southeast Missouri, ‘cause it...