Friday, January 27, 2012

Remembering Sarah

Hey y’all Smile

This is a post I have dreaded writing for a few days…hence the delay.  Sweet Sarah passed away on Monday. sarahwhiteblacknwhite

It was amazing to see all the Facebook statuses about her, and the prayers that were posted for her family.  Yes, social media is good for some things.  



There was even a billboard put up in her memory.


What I have noticed more than anything was the number of lives she has touched.  Not just through her courageous battle with cancer, but just by LIVING. 

You know, I’ve heard before that sometimes when somebody dies we tend to hero-ify that person…to put them on a pedestal of sorts, building them up higher and higher.  Even if they didn’t deserve it. 

But Sarah did.

She deserves every praise, every kind word, and every heartfelt word that is spoken of her.  She was truly an angel on earth.

I can’t go too deep into my thoughts and feelings about her death because, well, it just hits too close to home.  It is something nobody else can understand unless you’ve been there, and it’s something that nobody but God can help me through. 

So it is to my faith in my unshakable God I go, again and again, asking for peace on this earth and praying for a lifetime here. 


Rest in complete peace, my friend.

Love you guys.


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