"Affliction produces endurance, endurance produces proven character, and proven character produces hope." Romans 5:3-4
On another note, can you guess who I'm missing?? It's bad...like aching. I need me some sister time desperately. Oh, and super-cute nephew cuddles too! Thank goodness Easter is coming up and I will get to spend some time with everybody!

Blessings xoxo
I love that verse! I was an only child but I always wanted sisters :) I can't believe it's almost Easter already!
Erica, did I ever give you a copy of 'streams in the desert'?? i read it every single day.......my copy is ragged, with stuff spilled on it, written all over and i would hate to start using a new copy.......NOTHING has been as inspiring.......so often the LORD spoke to me, exactly at my point of need. anyway, i was reading in it earlier this week and wondered if i had given you a copy. it is a devotional written especially to those who've experienced the refiner's fire, up close and personal. anyway, i'll get one to you.......it's a must tons of scripture just like romans 5: 3-4.... loved the picture of my 3 favorite sisters......next to jeff and jessica's girls.......love you!
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