Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Lovin The Sun!

Helloooooooo Humpday;-)

Do YOU have Good Friday off? If so, you only have one more full day to get through before it's the weekend! If not...sorry :-(

We have been ballgamin' it up this week. Unfortunately neither game has resulted in a win for Zachary and his team. Bummer. They've played really well, but there's not a whole lot you can do when one team has clearly had an extra dose of their Wheaties, therefore resulting in a serious growth spurt, and our team, well, hasn't...yet;-) But it's comin! That we know. Give us another year or two and our voices will be crackin', toes comin' out the ends of our shoes every month, and jeans too short when it seems we've just bought them. Yep. Give us time.

All this busy-ness is resulting in a very tired Katie. By the time we get home around 8 and she gets a bath and a snack, it's 9 before she gets into bed. And she is SO not a morning person anyway. So this morning it was extra rough to get her out of bed. I used every trick in the book to make her happy before I sent her off to school, but she still had a scowl on her face when she got out of the car. I hope her day perked up.

Tonight's routine is still up in the air. Tyler has baseball practice but he's not sure what time (typical boy...this drives me CRAZY!) and Youth after that, and Zachary and Katie have Power Up at church. However, this is all dependent on Katie and Zachary and their need for a night at home. The next few days provide little chance for rest. Layne and the boys come in tomorrow, we have basketball games tomorrow night, and then the holiday weekend with family. So we'll just see how everybody's doing after school. Speaking of Youth, here's a pic of some of Tyler's Youth Group from church that attended Young Christians' Weekend at Silver Dollar City in Branson last weekend. They had a great time!!

This morning I took advantage of the absolutely beeea-utiful weather we are having and headed outside for a run. It was a glorious run and I'm so glad I took advantage of the opportunity.

Here's my stats:

MILE 1: 8:24

MILE 2: 8:27

MILE 3: 9:12

MILE 4: 10:20 <----- Getting winded! 2 min. run/1 min. walk intervals

MILE 5: 9:46

MILE 6: 11:19 <----- Run/walk intervals again;-)

TOTAL: 57:29

DISTANCE: 6 miles

AVG PACE: 9:34/mi

Enjoy the rest of your day! I hope it's beautiful where you are!


Keri said...

The weather has been beautiful here as well! I have started back up with boot camp at 5 in the morning MWF. My hip is no longer sore......yeah! It is brutal, but I'm always happy to have it done early!

Anonymous said...

I hate working out before the weather is nice outside (thus, I haven't been because I only have time in the AM when it's not sunny enough for me; maybe my pickiness is an excuse). Nice splits!

Survivor Spotlight Saturday

Hello!! Is it absolutely beautiful where you are this morning?!  Holy cow, if not you should high-tail it to southeast Missouri, ‘cause it...