Hey all! How's your week going so far?? Looking forward to a short week, maybe, or just a wonderful holiday weekend? Me too. After I posted on Sunday, I ended up having such a good day! Praise God! The weather was beautiful and I went for a marvelous run outside then enjoyed the day with my hubby and my babies. We sat on the riverbank for awhile and watched the kids swim, then we took the boat out for a little while and just rode and enjoyed the sunshine without the beastly heat and humidity we have had here for about a week. It was so beautiful, at 830pm we were still on the deck looking at the river talking about what a wonderful day it was. That's the sign of a good day, my friends!
Now I have a first to report to you: my first running accident. I have been running for 5 years now and have never had a wipeout like I did yesterday morning! Let me set the stage for ya...I stepped outside a little before 7 yesterday morning, the sun was shining and it was 59*...OMgosh! Could it be any more perfect?! I cranked my praise and worship on my iPod and headed out for a hour or so. It was perfect. Probably the best outdoor run I have ever had. I was about a mile and a half from the cabin on my way home, just sailing right along, feeling fantastic when -splat!- I tripped over a rock I guess and I proceeded to eat some gravel. Like, literally, I had gravel in my gum! When I got up and surveyed the damage, I had scrapes to my leg, both forearms, both hands, and my chin (decided to save you the gory pics!). It hurt so bad and I wanted to cry, but nobody was anywhere around to cry to! Thank God I didn't injure myself worse or I would have been sitting on the road for awhile waiting for someone to pick me up! After I assessed my injuries, I dusted myself off and started walking back to the cabin but with blood pooling in my hands I decided that I would get there faster if I ran, so I did. So anyway, I am fine just banged up a little! The deep scrape on my left palm is the worst, so tender and sore. Luckily the Lord guarded my right hand/arm and it's not near as bad as my left. But I probably will start some antibiotics of some sort today to ward off any infection and subsequent swelling, since I don't have any lymph nodes to fight off any infection that may develop. And I can tell my platelets are still in the low range of normal because down my left leg are several bruises where I hit the rocks in the gravel, I guess. Am I completely backwards that I am proud, though, that I got my wounds from running?? You runners out there know what I'm talkin 'bout!
We came home for our big Monday evening at our Sunday School teacher's house: a Princess Party! Quite a few of us have little girls in the toddler/preschool/school-age age group so Janet decided to throw a party to pamper God's Little Princesses (which we all are, aren't we?!). It was a perfect evening! Each girl had a mani/pedi, facial, makeup, hair, crown, and put on their fancy dresses. Can you imagine a party better suited for Katie?? We had "champagne" fruit punch in tall flutes and finger sandwiches and snacks then afterwards we headed to the Jolly Cone (our local fast food/ice cream place) so the princesses could show off their beautiful-ness and have ice cream with m&m sprinkles. It was a wonderful evening for the girls and their mamas. It was one I think Katie will remember forever, I know I will! Here are just a few of the highlights:

At the end of the party we had a little time for a devotional. We talked about how it's not about how you look on the outside, which is fine and wonderful to get all dolled up, but God wants us to be just as beautiful (even moreso) on the inside. He wants our hearts to be pretty, too. The girls were taught the saying, "Pretty is as pretty does."
On another note, Michelle just called with the report from my chest xray and it looks like nothing serious. They said they couldn't rule out pneumonia, bronchitis, or the radiation pneumonitis...but there was nothing that ends in "-oma;" I don't like those sort of words. So that's good. All other possibilities can be treated and taken care of rather easily. They recommended a repeat in 4-5 days to compare. She will fax the report to my drs in STL and they can determine what they want done. Praise God for answered prayers!!!
I hope everyone has a great Tuesday!
Oh my gosh! I'm glad you are okay. Love the princess pictures, I'm sure she will remember that forever too :)
Wow you've had an active few days since your last post!! Glad your okay and I totally understand feeling a bit tough with your warrior wounds!! I used to love that I had to get taped up before volleyball matches!! Also, I can't wait to have some princess parties of my own- looks like fun!
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