Friday, March 13, 2009

He’s Got Game

Zachary, that is!  That’s my little #40 up there in the pics!  So special, too, because my hubby also wore #40 all through school.  Awwww……  I can’t believe I’m actually typing this, but his first 5th grade basketball game was last night.  Man, where has the time gone??  I was waiting in the car, picking up the boys  after school and Zachary made it to the car in record time!  He threw open the door and was smiling from ear to ear.  He was so excited and ready for the game!  After watching Tyler play for 3 seasons, he was finally having his  I was excited for him!  I was headed to pick up dinner for him because the bus left at 4, and he even asked me if he had to eat…as if not eating something would make game time come any quicker.  And his belly was full of nerves, too!  But after I insisted, he ate 3/4 pieces of a personal-size pizza and had some Gatorade.  He was good to go! 

The games weren’t a win for the Bulldogs, but they accomplished the task of getting the first-game jitters out of the way.  The scores were pretty lopsided!  But on an unexpected note, we were very proud to see Zachary starting on the 6th grade team!  He actually played more for 6th grade than he did 5th.  Cool!  His next game is Monday and he came downstairs saying this morning, “I can’t wait ‘til Monday, I wish it was Monday already!”  Whoa.  Please don’t wish away our weekend just yet!  Please!  It will come soon enough, I’m sure.  Enjoy your weekend everybody!   


LizNoVeggieGirl said...

Despite no win, his team still did great!! Fabulous!!

Unknown said...

You should know something about me before we go any further. I am 5'2 an have never understood basketball...there...I said it.

Mezmorized! Seriously. I laugh at myself a LOT. But thank you for the kind words. I love that scripture too. What I love even more is when we read something we have read a million times and it just jumps out of the page - living and breathing - He is so good. He is so faithful and I am so so grateful he hasn't given up on me.

Survivor Spotlight Saturday

Hello!! Is it absolutely beautiful where you are this morning?!  Holy cow, if not you should high-tail it to southeast Missouri, ‘cause it...