Praise God, I am completely done with radiation!! I am so excited to be sitting here in my own home, knowing that I don't have to get up at the crack of dawn tomorrow morning and go back to STL! We got to my appointment about an hour early this morning because I had to see my dr today also, and they had us in and out of there in no time flat. Awesome! We were in our car and headed home by 10am. All my techs and my dr asked us what we were going to do to celebrate, and we said that we were headed straight quickly as we could get there! Once we got in the car, I felt like I could actually relax for the first time in about 6 weeks. Ahhhhh........ Once again all glory and praise goes to our Awesome God, for completely guiding us through the last 6 weeks. He put the most wonderful techs in my path, I will miss Sarah, Jill, and Karen so much! He gave me the best friends and family to graciously give up their own time and drive me to STL Even though they all have families of their own to take care of at home, they never hesitated to help out. To Kim, Michelle, Jessica, Layne, Mom, LeAnn, Tracy, and my wonderful hubby: I couldn't have asked for more wonderful people to share the miles with. Kim, you are the champ x 12!! I love you all! Mostly, God gave me the strength to make all the trips and still be a wife and a mom, allowing life to be as "normal" as possible. Now, I am praying for rest! Nice, easy, rest!
According to my hubby, I am on the 7-day disabled-list (for those of you who know sports lingo) and am to refrain from running for the next week. Probably a really good idea since I have what amounts to an extremely painful sunburn in my armpit...a lovely parting gift from radiation to the lymph node area. When I went for my outside run on Sunday, I could tell that it was starting to get really raw and running is probably not the best thing for it right now. So, I am going to enjoy my week off (try, anyway!) and let my body heal before beginning again. We'll see how that goes, it's not easy for me to not run! But I'll try.
God bless all of you who kept me in your prayers! I felt every single one lifting me up every day! Thank you so much!
But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me. For the sake of Christ, then, I am content with weaknesses, insults, hardships, persecutions, and calamities. For when I am weak, then I am strong. 2 Corinthians 12:9-10
***I have a very dear friend who has been constantly on my mind for the last 4 days...her 19-year old brother passed away on Saturday. Please remember Jenna and her family in your prayers. John was a remarkable young man and his absence leaves a gaping hole in the hearts of his family and friends, especially his big sis. Please pray that God will bring them comfort and peace throughout this tragedy. We have to remember, that even in times when it seems God cannot be found, He is always there and He is always in control.***

Congratulations!!!! I am so happy to hear that you are done.
I agree with your man, let you body recoup, there's lots of time to make up some miles!
You are an inspiration!!
Erica, that is great! You deserve some rest :) Our God is so great, I wish everyone could see all the amazing things He has done, they will!
I wanted to tell you that in the month of May, Pampered Chef has special limited edition items for breast cancer awareness (they are PINK, haha) and I'm hosting a party because when people order these items, $1 goes to the American Cancer Society! You were definitely my inspiration ;-)
Have a blessed day and blessed rest and recovery!
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